The Kingdoms Curse – Atlas’ Adventures

Atlas - Potion Master

The Kingdoms Curse

Atlas’ Adventures – The Game

Atlas is on a great quest, A quest that reads like a video game adventure. His is a selfish quest to save the kingdom from the “Kingdoms Curse.” He feels the needs of his world, but like Robin in the book “Moonborn,” he must save those he loves; regardless. He must save his own princess, she is hope for the future, and the most precious thing in his life. He must save her from the Kingdoms Curses deadly touch, and like any great adventure, for him to be selfish, and save the ones he loves, he must also save the world, and defeat the curse of evil in all the lands.

It really is a lot to take on, thought Atlas – it’s the grand epic task of any adventure game, and that’s just an opening scene! All the adventure games he has played before were easy in comparison. As he took up those adventures he was not so daunted. Those games have a linear course that prepare him along the way, make him stronger, and shortly he will start to find the items and people he needs to triumph over the evil, to save his world. A tediously long process, yet with faith and perseverance he knows he will beat the game, he will win. Easy peasy, defeat the next boss with the latest item, and evil is destroyed dramatically. Cut to scene kissing his loved ones, celebrating the new future, basking in the feeling of having achieved such an ambitious goal – and role credits with the ending score.  Atlas chuckles to himself over the metaphor. This game is a bit different.

The kingdoms curse can touch any player at any time, and when it does, it usually ends their game shortly. The curse is random, and it’s lightest touch can kill. So deadly is it’s grasp, only the quick will cut or burn the cursed flesh from their body, and save themselves. Like a wolf in a trap, the cursed flesh holds you tight to a quick death, and a glaring truth for action; cut your own flesh free, suffer that hard pain, and the burden of its loss – or die.

Atlas himself was once touched by the kingdoms curse. He only dodged his death by swiftly cutting himself free of his cursed flesh. His battle is personal, the curse has already touched too many around him, touched loved ones – and his father. He is determined to stop the curse to win the game. He must save the world, but what he is really saving is own heart, saving it from more pain. To do all he must – save them all, so he never again looks into tortured anguished eyes, eyes wet with the painful understanding on both sides – game over.

Never again, and never in the eyes of his princess – not ever!

Atlas is now deep in the game. He finds himself in a huge open world where there is no linear course to lead him the right way, no old man waiting to give him the needed item. There is only a time limit that will end the game. There are open choices and side quests are everywhere; enough to fill the time limit a hundred times over. A confusing and cursed land where all the characters have an equal chance of slowing or speeding Atlas along his journey. Atlas must decide what moves he needs to make, who might help, what items he needs to win against this evil, and even what it means to win the game.

A decade of game time later …

Atlas has been blessed in his quest. After many hardships, side quests, experiments, and years of deep research, and checking all the corners, Atlas has found the kingdoms legendary curse decoder! He now has the fabled curing potions! … and he has some time left.

Holding the two final items, the two in all the kingdom that can set Atlas against his games final boss, Atlas trembles with the anticipation. The banishing of the kingdoms curse from those already touched will be so sweet, so fulfilling, their futures and dreams alive again, alive in their eyes!

Atlas only needs to go to the potions master, the master will check which ones are made right, and the curse decoder will find the right combinations of potions to banish the kingdoms curses forever.

Without the potions master and the decoder, poor Atlas would just have to try all the potions, one after the other, in random hope and fading dreams of finding the right combinations. There is enough potion perhaps, but not enough time for the cursed. Once the player is touched by the kingdoms curse, their time is short.

Like all quests, the last few steps, the ones closer to winning the game, will require more resources, and more rupees / coins / and crystals, more now than he has collected thus far!

Again Atlas chuckles at the metaphor, like the other games – here he is, close to the end, after so much scrounging, checking the corners, and gathering resources, the games veteran to be so skilled – to achieve his current high position. The proclaimed hero has the winning items in his hands, yet now has to crawl around and scourer the entire open world again to find all the rupees for the potions master to be able to combine them,  and complete the winning item. No great surprise.

How will Atlas find all those coins / rupees / crystals ?
Tempus fugit.

Atlas has a huge surprise for you! This is actually your kingdom, your reality, and it is not a game. This is your life; and worse yet, the kingdoms curse is real! It’s cancer, and it is touching us all. Touching you and your loved ones, a curse that is mankind’s 2nd largest killer!  The odds are too high – that you will be cursed too.

Atlas is standing next to you right now – two items are in his hands, the curing potions, and the decoder. You know and you feel their power, their potential to cure the kingdom,  you gaze up and see his smiling face is slightly deformed from the curse’s touch; the touch he cut away to survive. He is looking deep into your eyes; Atlas is asking you – for a little assistance with the potions master.



Atlas Alchemy

CBD 101 – 5th Grade Level

Artist Lorenzo Sabia

Get A Full Years CBD dose in one tiny bottle, yes you! – step right up!

Over 1,450 grams of medicine in every 1 gram dose!

Don’t you miss out on this CBD miracle sleep and anxiety cure!

More Farcical Nonsense Claims Here! – Step right up! – Buy! Buy! Buy!

I don’t know which is worse; unscrupulously praying on the innocent with lies; or corrupting a CBD market when it has the data, proof, and potential to reach it’s stellar goals, and prove it’s healing qualities.

I hope your first CBD purchases was one of quality, one that was efficacious, that you went back for more; and only then, did you find that many of the brands out there do little or nothing at all. It is frustrating and leads us to wonder, “How do I find CBD that actually works! Why are the rest CBD lies!?” Too many of you found these lousy products first, and quickly came to the conclusion that CBD was all hype, and that any vitamin gummy would have done as well, you were right, and sadly you did not read this far.

“How do I find CBD That actually works! Why are the rest CBD lies!”

Welcome to CBD Lies 101 ~ 5th grade level 🙂

The Why:

CBD is a cannabinoid key – cannabinoids, CBN’s, are very special to us.

Our bodies have an ECS (endo-cannabinoid system), a system of cellular communication that uses molecules it sends out as keys that fit receptors that are little locks built into the outer walls of our cells. Our bodies make over 150 of these endo-cannabinoid keys. These are keys that communicate with about 37 different types of CB receptors on our cell membranes, CB1 and CB2 receptors and others are on all our cells, especially our brain and nerve tissues. The ECS key & receptor system is a communication platform for cells and organs to maintain their equilibrium. A system that regulates your equilibrium for: anxiety, depression, sleep, appetite, and inter-cellular equilibriums. Research is proving that many conditions, even some migraine headaches result from endo-cannabinoid deficiencies, deficiencies of these specific compounds are found in our blood and tissue with diseases, weather this is a cause or an effect is yet unknown, the data of correlation is definitely there. We also see endo-cannabinoid deficiencies during life changes like age, Alzheimer’s, and menopause.

Several plants interact with our endo-cannabinoid system, and yet less than 10 plants actually make cannabinoid compounds, and most make very few at that. The cannabis plant, makes up to 144 known phyto-cannabinoids! – Almost the same numbers as we do, imagine that! – All these cannabinoid keys have the capacity to interact directly just like our own keys with our endo-cannabinoid system! We know for example, that the THC molecule, is a CB1 receptor agonist (activator), and that CBD activates the CB2 receptor. You may have heard of CB1 and CB2 receptors in your old bio or health class. CB has always been the abbreviation for cannabinoid; a long known part of our organ and cell communications system.

Fact, no other plant in nature has this intricate a communication with us, and on a cellular molecule key / receptor level at that.

One of our endo-cannabinoid keys is known as anandamide – ananda means bliss. The translations is ‘bliss-molecule’. It is our own endogenous THC, and our bodies use it as it uses Δ-9 THC when introduced. AG-2 is another more common endocannabinoid our bodies make that studies show mimics CBG-A.

Fact – CBD, Δ-9 THC, CBG, etc. do not normally act as a lone molecules. Isolated CBD molecules and broad spectrum products (broad means mostly the molecule mentioned, but a few more) do not provide additional cannabinoids. Period. Our experience is they are less efficacious; they are cheaper and easier to manufacture, they make much prettier gummy bears, and easily sell legally under the <0.3% THC rule. They do work, and better for some things than others, but not like a full spectrum product wil.

Not all CBD is made the same! – demand full spectrum extract from high CBD strains and you will find they tend to work better.

The What: – It’s Hammer Time!

In a presentation of research data, 12 cannabis concentrates (5 strains are high CBD) were tested in-vitro against against 12 specific cancer cell / mutations, of 6 different types for 24hrs.

These results will finally hammer it home, it’s all been true; all the amazing miracles, and all the tragic misses.

Breast Cancer:

In breast cancer cell type MDA231, 5 of the 12 concentrates killed at least 50% of the cancer cells. Of these 5, 2 of them killed 70%, and 2 killed 60% of the cancer cells. 6 of the other 12 concentrates had little effect…a 50% chance of getting a good concentrate, pretty good considering:

In breast cancer type MCF7, only 1 of 12 concentrates had any results, and showed just 30% of cells killed.

Lung Cancer:

In the lung cancer cell type A549, 3 of the 12 concentrates were effective, 1 of the 3 killed over 80% of the cells in 24hrs! The 2 others killed over 50% of the cells. 7 of the concentrates did nothing.

In the lung cancer type NCIH460, 5 of the 12 concentrates killed over 50% of the cells, one as high as 75%, 4 of the concentrates did nothing at all.

Skin Cancer:

In skin cancer type A375, only 1 concentrate killed over 50% if the cells, 7 of them did nothing, the others 4 were below 50% cancer cells killed.

In skin cancer typeA431, no concentrate killed over 50% of the cells, only 2 of the concentrates killed 40% of cells, 8 of them had no effect at all.

Colon Cancer:

In the colon cancer type SW480, 5 of 12 concentrates killed 50% or more of the cells.

In the colon cancer type HT-29 none of the 12 concentrates were effective at all.

Prostate Cancer:

In the prostate cancer type LNCaP, 2 of 12 concentrates killed 50% of the cells. 2 other concentrates killed 40% of the cells. 2 concentrates showed no effect at all.

In the prostate cancer PC3, only 1 of the 12 concentrates worked at all, yet it rocked, and killed over 60% of the cells.

It was considered that at least 50% of cells needed to be killed in this in vitro study of 24 hours to consider the concentrate, a possible healing treatment worthy of progress to in-vivo, studies.

Of the concentrates that killed over 50% of the cancer cells:

concentrate #1 killed 0 of these 12 specific cancers

concentrate #2 killed 4 cancer types

concentrate #3 killed 0

concentrate #4 killed 1 cancer

concentrate #5 killed 5 cancer types

concentrate #6 killed 1 cancer

concentrate #7 killed 6 cancer types

concentrate #8 killed 0

concentrate #9 killed 3 types

concentrate #10 killed 3 types

concentrate #11 killed 0

concentrate #12 killed 0, of these 12 specific cancers

Having a single concentrate kill 6 different cancers is beyond huge, truly a miracle (in-vitro) medicine.

There are over 150 types of cancer. There are cancers for every cell type and organ we have.

Every time the plant flowers, it has a different combination of 144 cannabinoids, even the same strain, in the same location, the next grow can be a completely different medicine.

Every time we do find a healing, it is already lost.

We can be healed, miraculously, the proof in-vitro is before us, the odds however are not so good. Today, taking a concentrate from one strain randomly has poor odds against a specific cancer cell type.

Putting the hammer down.

The How:

Details – Proof of Concept.

They have found that when examining an extract that can kill a specific breast cancer in-vitro, and isolating the 3 cannabinoids that are responsible, the result in vitro is the same. With over 100 cannabinoids present in the extract, only 3 are killing the cancer cells. Not only that, all three cannabinoids are necessary, and no combination of one or two of these 3 compounds worked the same when tested separately, only all 3 together would kill the leukemia cells in-vitro. Again, those 3 specific cannabinoids isolated, are as effective at killing the cells in vitro as the entire extract.

Randomness is explained, and herbal healing is now defined far better.

We know that good CNB products receive excellent personal claimed results.

As the ECS is the system that our body’s cells use for communication, and for managing equilibriums, including our anxiety, pain, depression, eating and sleeping; these are all quality of life equilibriums that can contribute to disease when out of balance. As encompassing as this sounds, CBD is not a treatment for everything, for example there is evidence that many CNB’s also balance our immune system. Many immunotherapy treatments are created to over-excite the immune system to attack a disease. Studies show taking cannabis can balance it back to equilibrium; working against immunotherapy goals. Fact: if you are on immunotherapy, taking any cannabis until further knowledge may defeat your therapy process, ask your Dr. about your ECS!

CBD is not the only key in our cannabinoid toolbox, with 150 cannabinoid keys, we have some serious exploring to do. We must know more.

The Where:

Anywhere – to find CBD products made from full spectrum extracts, and you will be most happy with the results. Only trust full spectrum or products that come with access to the Certificate of Analysis – COA.

The gummy bears may not be as pretty or as tasty because they are made with a thick dark full spectrum extract, vs a low dose clear CBD isolate molecule; these can be cheaper and make pretty and tasty confections, but they are sometimes, but not always as efficacious.

The Who: Pearls among swine.

!!! Watch our for the snake oil salesmen!!!

No joke!

… Search … “CBD” at Amazon … currently @ 4:20 on 6/6/2021…

5 results on the first page are blatant, in your face, “snake oil salesman” lies!

A little insulting to the scientific mind.

It is appropriate this is 5th grade level, because that is how 10% of the market treats it’s customers – far below the 5th grade level, that is.

The ugly reality of your CBD marketplace! – Step right up! – On Sale Now at Amazon!

15,000,000mg in 60 gummy bears! … lets take a look at that math shall we?

    • That is 15,000 grams in 60 bears. 15,000 grams / 60 bears = 250 grams per bear!
    • Each bear has 250 grams mass of … something … magically in each gummy bear! That’s 60, 250 gram gummy bears, 250 grams is just over 9oz or .6lbs, X 60 in one small jar that ships at a total weight of 6.88 oz or 195 grams.
    • 15,000 grams of mass in a container that ships weighing only 195 grams.

…. &#@! WOW!

***remember milligrams is a mass measurement boys and girls, no normal science can put 250 grams of mass into 4 grams of weight, or cubic space. fluid, cubic, ml, mass or otherwise does not matter. I know that mass and fluid conversions are not exact, 1ml often but does not always = 1gram in mass, even so, these conversions are ludicrous.

This is an insult. A blatant mathematical scientific slap in the face!

    • For your pet! A Hemp oil with 500,000mg in a 2oz bottle.
    • Again, a little math:
    • 500,000mg = 500grams = converts to 17.64oz … in a 2 oz. bottle. 2 oz converts to 56.7grams.
    • A mass of 500 grams is going to fit into a 56.7 grams or ml container.
    • Just for your loving pet!|
    • 235,000,000mg in 4oz of cream. 4 oz = 113.4grams or ml
    • 235,000 grams in a container made for 114 grams or ml. Miracles and magic! Lucky for me and my prime membership, it ships at only 5.61oz, that’s only 159 grams! – perhaps they use owl post?
    • Let us not pass on the many products without a mg, or reference as to what the number on the label might relate to; one product has the number 350,000 very big and bold on the label, with no reference as to what that means. If it means micro-grams, µg then it might be correct. Another product with 300,000 of something is in 60 capsules; no reference anywhere as to what that might be. And my favorite is 4 oz. total cream with the number 375,000,000 very bold … and no reference at all.

Any company so unscrupulous as to lie with such insult on the label, cannot possibly be trusted with it’s contents.

– Thank you Amazon, for quality page one “CBD” search results.

How do these maniacal lies perpetuate? How can they continue to make money?

OK there is one logically acceptable reason:

He he, guess what, you are the placebo!

No worries, it’s cool – do not forget that in any process establishing a treatment it must surpass our own capacity to heal ourselves 10% of the time! That’s right! with any product regardless of it’s target or lofty goal, in most double blind studies we consistently, 10% of the time, heal ourselves! Any new product up for review must pass the placebo value of 10% “in theory”, to define it as marketable.

Some isolate and broad spectrum products work great for specific ailments, it is a well proven medicine for epilepsy, some pains, even M.S., etc. CBD works.

Also the snake oil sells because we heal ourselves around 10% of the time regardless. The reality is we continue to buy, any product that works, or allows us to heal ourselves; even studies with pills blatantly labeled as “placebo” have proven to have over a 10% success rate! Fun fact.

With such a huge “CBD” market, the unscrupulous can find enough buyers out there to perpetuate fraudulently labeled products.

Some clients do find relief from broad spectrum or isolate products. A close associate of mine makes and sells both varieties of gummies, broad spectrum, and full spectrum extracts, “Most clients if it is their first time,” he says, “I will suggest they start with a hemp made, broad spectrum, product and to see if they find relief. If they do find relief, then great, they can save some money and continue with what is not broken. If they do return and want stronger relief, I suggest they try a full a spectrum from a full spectrum made product. It is slightly more expensive but the sales consistently prove, once they use a good full spectrum product, they never, ever go back,” he says.

If one of these products is working OK for you, don’t try to fix it. Even if it has 250,000,000mg. in a 2oz bottle.

If you are curious like me, test it for yourself, try a full spectrum, cannabis extract, logically labeled, with a 3rd party COA attached. Then witness if you notice any difference with the additional 100 or more cannabinoid keys working alongside those lonely CBD molecules. 😉

The Conclusion –> CBD is easy as 1,2,3!

1) Full spectrum cannabis CBD extracts, have the greatest potential for having the combination of cannabinoids you need. Other properly labeled broad spectrum and isolate products may work well for your target. Testing will tell.

2) All quality CNB products, will come with a 3rd party Certificate of Analysis. Legally the product cannot be marketed and sold without one, so there’s that little underlying fact; if they company backs their product, they will provide it. if not, walk away.

“I cannot trust any CNB product lacking the confidence to attach the COA.”


3) Regardless, make sure the dose and bottle milligram numbers make practical and mathematical sense. isolate, broad, or full spectrum, if you are unsure, just google “mg to oz” and check the conversion math yourself.

and just remember some fifth grade potty poetry … 🙂

“You cannot fit,

Ten pounds of shit,

In a one pound bag,

And make it fit.”

that’s it

